International Women's Day: Advice To My Younger Self

Mollie Redmond

By Mollie Redmond

As Michelle Obama said: "There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish." At Understanding Recruitment we're proud to be an equal opportunities employer and fully support APSCo's Women in Recruitment initiative.  Just in time for International Women's Day, we asked our ambitious, driven and wonderfully talented women here at Understanding Recruitment, who #ChooseToChallenge every day, what advice they would give their younger selves.  

Nicola Parker, Delivery Manager

"Know that there will always be unforeseen hurdles in life, but worrying about what hasn’t happened yet, or might happen in the future is a waste of energy and can stop you from enjoying the now – you cannot control what happens in your future but you can control how you live in the present.  Trust that you are always where you are meant to be, whether it feels that way or not at the time – things always work themselves out in the end." 


Alex Martuccio, Contract Account Manager

"If you have a passion or a dream, follow it and make a reality. It will be hard and you will get lots of setbacks and people telling you it’s not possible, but if you really want it, you will do anything to make it happen." 


Danielle Blake, .NET Researcher

"Failure is the first step in success and is just as important as success." 


Jana Timm, Head of Marketing 

"You will get to where you want to be but it will take time. Learn as much as you can from the people around you and don’t be afraid to ask questions. You don’t know what you don’t know." 


Charlotte Young, Java Recruitment Executive

"Consistency and determination to achieve will get you far." 


Cassie Holdsworth, Management Accountant

"Don’t focus too much on the destination but enjoy the journey too. I’ve always been one to focus too much on achieving the bigger things, such as; the job, the wedding, the car, the house etc., and you can easily get distracted from enjoying the small things too." 


Molly Boca, Hardware Acceleration & ML Recruitment Consultant

"Worry less about what others think about you and learn to love yourself through your own eyes not someone else’s. The easiest way to be the best version of yourself is to be free from the judgement of others' perspectives." 


Emma Mathiesen, Training & Development Manager 

"Work hard - the better you do, the more options you’ll have." 


Suzy Bolton, Finance Director

"Believe in yourself more and it’s true that the harder you work, the better you do!" 


Monique Hunt, Accounts Assistants

"Have confidence in your ability/self and don’t always assume the worst." 


Laura Trimmer, Talent Acquisition Consultant

"Trust your instincts, everything really does happen for a reason." 


Rhiannon Mehta, Senior Recruitment Consultant - High Value Fundraising

"Trust yourself and don’t listen to other people’s judgement on what you can achieve!"  

Maggie Mulshine, Hardware Acceleration, Photonics & ML Researcher

"Don't focus so hard on what people will think, and instead focus on what you really want to do and what makes you happy."  

Emily Kitamura, Head of Global Talent Acquisition

"You're doing great! Everything will work itself out, just believe in yourself and keep doing you!" 

Anna Heneghan, Head of Machine Learning & AI UK

"Worry less about what other people think about you and think about what you are doing instead. Focus more on yourself. Think about how you can develop and increase your happiness."    

Emma Wilson, Delivery Consultant

"Don't be afraid to try new things! Push yourself out of your comfort zone more often... what's the worst that could happen?!"  

Lisa Booth, HR Manager

"Don’t let the expectations and opinions of others limit your ambitions. Only you know what you can achieve."  

Mollie Redmond, Marketing Executive

"You don't have to have everything figured out and it’s okay if things aren’t quite going to plan. Learn as much as you can and remain positive – things will work out in the end."  

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