Planting Hope: How Our Placements Contribute to Global Reforestation with JUST ONE Tree

5 min
Charley Dowsell

By Charley Dowsell

In the face of escalating environmental crises, individual and corporate actions aimed at conservation and restoration are not just beneficial—they are essential. According to WWF, Deforestation is a particular concern in tropical rainforests like the Amazon, Congo Basin, and Southeast Asian forests, because they are home to much of the world’s biodiversity. In the Amazon alone, around 17% of the forest has been lost in the last 50 years, mainly due to forest conversion for cattle ranching. The recent data from Green Match for 2023 indicates a loss of nearly 18,000km² of forest area, roughly equivalent to the size of five cities the size of New York, which resulted in the emission of about 2.3 gigatons of CO2. 

Additionally, this deforestation has threatened nearly 1,800 species with extinction, underlining the dire need for concerted conservation efforts. The Understanding Recruitment Group is proud to announce our partnership with Just ONE Tree, where we pledge to plant a tree for every successful job placement. This initiative reflects our unwavering commitment to sustainability, ensuring that with each placement, we contribute to the preservation and restoration of our environment. Within the first quarter of 2024 alone, this initiative has resulted in the planting of 119 new trees globally.


The Root Causes – The Urgent Need for Ecological Restoration

Deforestation is primarily driven by agricultural expansion, commercial logging, infrastructure development, and wildfire incidences, each contributing significantly to the global climate crisis and biodiversity loss. Forests, particularly tropical ones, are vital as they store massive amounts of carbon dioxide and host more than half of the world's species. The loss of these natural resources not only exacerbates carbon emissions but also disrupts vital ecological services that these forests provide, such as water filtration, climate regulation, and soil stabilisation.


Branching Out – Our Partnership with Just ONE Tree

Just ONE Tree stands out by incorporating holistic environmental restoration into its mission. This organisation extends its efforts beyond tree planting to include ocean restoration and environmental education, aiming to tackle various facets of ecological degradation. Its projects are strategically chosen based on potential environmental impact, involving both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Initiatives have included mangrove restoration projects in Madagascar, which are critical not only for biodiversity but for their immense carbon sequestration capabilities, and seagrass projects in the UK, vital for maintaining marine biodiversity and enhancing fish stocks.

Now, at the end of their fourth year, they have achieved some impressive milestones:

  • 3,050,742 – Number of trees planted
  • 1,561 – Total acres restored
  • 927,838 – Tonnes of Co2 removed
  • 11 – Number of countries planted in
  • 36,054 – Work days provided in the local communities

The Canopy of Benefits – Why Trees?

Trees do much more than sequester carbon; they are fundamental to so many benefits. Corporate businesses play a crucial role in reaping these benefits and by supporting organisations such as Just ONE Tree, contribute to the following according to treeapp:

1. Carbon Sequestration: Trees absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and store it as biomass. This process, known as carbon sequestration, helps mitigate the effects of climate change. 

2. Water Cycle Regulation: Trees are essential in maintaining the water cycle. They absorb rainfall and release water vapor into the atmosphere through a process called transpiration. This helps in the formation of clouds and precipitation, maintaining local and global water cycles.

3. Soil Erosion prevention: Tree roots bind the soil, preventing erosion caused by wind and water. This is particularly important in agricultural areas where soil fertility is crucial for crop production. Supporting tree planting helps maintain soil health, which can directly benefit businesses in the agriculture and food industries.

4. Biodiversity Support: Trees provide habitats for countless species. A single mature oak tree can support hundreds of species, including mammals, birds, insects, and fungi. By promoting biodiversity, trees help maintain ecosystem balance and resilience, which is vital for ecosystem services that businesses depend on, such as pollination and pest control.

5. Temperature Regulation: Trees moderate temperatures by providing shade and cooling the air through transpiration. Urban areas with more trees experience lower temperatures, reducing the need for air conditioning and energy consumption. Businesses can lower their operational costs and contribute to creating more liveable urban environments by supporting urban greening projects

Harvesting Hope – The Transformative Impact on Local Communities

The impact of our tree planting extends beyond environmental restoration to catalysing significant improvements in local communities. In regions affected by deforestation, re-introducing native trees has rejuvenated soil fertility, enhanced water retention, and increased agricultural productivity. These ecological benefits translate into economic opportunities, with communities developing sustainable practices and eco-tourism initiatives that not only protect natural resources but also celebrate and preserve local cultural heritage.


Sprouting Successes – Our Tree Planting Initiative’s Impact

Our planting initiative spans several countries severely affected by deforestation, including Brazil, Madagascar, Mozambique, Nepal, Haiti, Indonesia, Kenya, and Zambia. The process begins with selecting the best seeds, which are then nurtured in nurseries until they are ready to be planted during the rainy season. Once planted, these saplings are cared for meticulously to ensure they reach maturity. The 119 trees planted in Q1 will collectively remove approximately 36.65 tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere over the next 25 years, making a lasting impact on our planet's health.

Join us in our mission for global environmental restoration. Together, we can combat climate change and support various ecological and societal benefits. From biodiversity restoration to improving air quality and aiding vulnerable communities economically, our collective actions can make a real difference. 

Learn more about how you can contribute at the Just ONE Tree website.


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