Road to Olympia: Our Tech Recruiters Nick & Molly Head To The UK!

Acceler8 Talent

By Acceler8 Talent

We firmly believe in rewarding hard work at Acceler8 Talent, and this goes for all levels of experience! Last month we were delighted to see our recruitment consultant Nick fly over to the UK to get a taste of life in Understanding Recruitment’s team, as part of our grad recruiter incentive program, accompanied by account manager, Molly. Find out about what they got up to and how graduates can get on the trip below!

Acceler8 Talent was born out of the success of the specialist software engineering recruitment team at Understanding Recruitment. At the heart of the offices of both sides of the pond is the shared company culture of celebrating the success of those who go above and beyond, and that’s why our ‘Road to Olympia’ reward trip was introduced for new team members.

As part of this incentive, recent graduates (or trainees) who surpass their target in the early stages of their Acceler8 Talent career get to visit our main office (and visa versa for the team in the UK). The recent achievements of Nick Roselli saw him swap the bustle of Boston for leafy St. Albans, Hertfordshire (on the outskirts of London) to see the sights and find out how the UK office operates, joined by teammate Molly Boca.

The pair visited the office to see the company HQ’s Java, Machine Learning & AI, Front End, and other tech specialist teams, in action, meet colleagues they may have only met virtually before, and see some iconic sights.

We sat down with Molly and Nick to find out the highlights from their trip to Understanding Recruitment and the UK, and got Nick’s advice for anyone hoping to be on the flight for the next Road to Olympia trip!

Q. How did it feel to find out you made the ‘Road to Olympia’ trip?

Nick: It felt incredible! That same deal also helped me cross the line to my first promotion as well, so I guess you could say I was buzzing. What made it even more special was that I’m pretty sure I was the first person from the Acceler8 Talent team to hit the incentive, so I knew I was doing something right with my tech recruitment career so far!

Q. What did you feel like you learned going to the UK office? How was the experience working with our UK team and what did you learn from them?

Molly: Working in the UK office was such an excellent experience! The team and the energy are similar to the US office, but it was great to see how a larger team operates in the same fashion. While I was there I had a chance to sit down with the pre-existing account management team and go through their daily structure and achievements – these sessions were so useful and have helped me create a path of how I will personally conduct my own accounts. On top of that, it was great to see the little things that our UK office has implemented to stay organized and promote productivity.

"Through a lot of one-on-one meetings and talking to the high performers in that office, I was able to really dig into what my goals are in my new role and define the most effective way of approaching them."

Q. What was the professional highlight of your trip?

Molly: My professional highlight of the trip was having the chance to sit down with my mentor Cedric in person. He took me through all the statistics of his work and showed me a bunch of tips on how he stays organized and has achieved his own successes. Aside from the mentorship session, it was also a highlight for me to secure someone a great role whilst sitting in the UK office!

Nick: Having the opportunity to have face-to-face meetings with my mentor and other directors was definitely my work highlight of the trip.

I learned a ton from the UK team – honestly, lots more than I anticipated! It was cool to see the differences in our respective markets and see that we still have such similar processes when it comes to recruitment. Through a lot of one-on-one meetings and talking to the high performers in that office, I was able to really dig into what my goals are in my new role and define the most effective way of approaching them daily.

Q. What was the non-work-related favorite part of the trip?

Molly: I think having the opportunity to go out with the UK team and get to know them outside of the workplace was really special. Whether that was going to the pub after work or taking the train into London, that was my non-work highlight! But, even more than that, I think it was the team going out of their way to invite us out and make sure that we were having a great time made us feel like we fit right in.

Nick: Visiting Tottenham Hotspur Stadium for sure – I was like a little kid in a candy shop. It was a dream come true having the opportunity for an all-access tour of the grounds where my favorite soccer club plays, a team that I sometimes wake up at 7 am on weekends to watch!

Q. And finally, what is your advice be to those at AT or who may be thinking of joining us of working towards getting a spot on the ‘Road to Olympia’ trip (or similar incentives)?

Nick: Everyone at Acceler8 knows what they need to do and has the work ethic to achieve this goal. For those thinking about joining us – this is just one of the many perks of joining a company that recognizes the hard work of its employees, it’s by far the best decision you’ll ever make!

Read all about what three of our UK team got up to when they came to Boston in February!

AT Life sound appealing? We’re always on the lookout for ambitious trainees and graduates interested in a career in recruitment to join us!
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